Trip XML
Main Trip tag
Version of XML (Current Verrsion: 2.2)
Server date when the trip was processed
Source of the information
Error message
Trip Settings
Car, Bus, Truck, Truck Semi, Truck Trailer, Truck Double, Truck Triple
Vehicle total axle count (including trailers)
None, Explosive, Gas, Flammable, Combustible, Organic, Poison, Radioactive, Corrosive, etc
Operating cost per mile
Operating cost per hour
Truck height in inches
Truck lenght in feet
Truck width in inches
Total vehicle weight in lbs (including load and trailers)
Diesel, Gasoline, Electric
Miles per gallon
Cost per gallon of fuel
Maximum allowed speed in MPH for the selected vehile
Fastest, Shortest
Trip start date
Trip start time
Otimize by resequencing stops order: Yes / No
Consider trafffic condition depending on trip depart time: Yes, No
Avoid toll roads: Yes / No
Avoid ferries: Yes / No
Avoid tunnels: Yes / No
Avoid dirt roads: Yes / No
Avoid sharp turns un urban areas: Yes / No
Apply seasonal closures to roads
Trip Sumary
Start date
Start time
Total distance in miles
Total trip time in seconds (including stops)
Total stopped time in seconds
Co2 emissions in kgs
Toll cost
Fuel cost
Operating costs (cost per mile and cost per hour)
Total cost
List of stops
Stop ID
Start, Stop, End
Text of stop
Stop duration in seconds
Trip time stamp in seconds at arrival to stop
Trip miles stamp at arrival to stop
Time in seconds since last stop
Miles since last stop
Date-time stamp at arrival to stop
List of state mileage
State ID
State name
Total miles in state
Total toll miles in state
Total free miles in state
Total ferry miles in state
Total fuel burn in gallons in state
List of road types
Primary hightway
Secondary highway
Tertiary highway
Local road
Other (ferry)
List of toll roads
Toll road ID
Road name
List of warinings
Warning ID
Warning text
Road reference
List of driving directions
Direction ID
Type of direction (See details here)
Text of direction
Trip time stamp in seconds
Trip miles stamp
Date-time at arrival to direction
List of coordinates: ID, Latitude, Longitud, Elevation (in feet)